Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Debt Free!

I have been working on a plan the last few months to get completely out of debt! I know some will read this and dismiss the idea right off, but it is possible and I no longer believe that “debt is a tool” as the consumer machine would have us all believe. I came across this guy Dave Ramsey a few months ago and read his book “Financial Peace” which has been revised since the edition I read. I started listening to some of his radio shows which are archived online and the ideas he presents are simple but totally make sence. Then a family member gave is a copy of "The Total Money Makeover” for Christmas. I have been slow to read it due to a lack of spare time, but I am about half way into it and I am getting very excited! Don’t get the wrong idea this is not a get rich scheme, it’s simply a plan for financial freedom. I am not going to go into any details because if you are interested you can check out his site. I have been working on our written budget and a spreadsheet to help us manage everything, and hope to sit down with the Mrs tonight so we can discuss it and start putting a plan into action. I never though I could get excited about paying bills. Just though I would share this with you, Back to the funny business tomorrow I promise.

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