Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Big Fat Fatty Fatso

Why are people so lazy? I have noticed that a lot of my co-workers will frequently take the elevator to go from one floor to the next rather than take the stairs. I can understand if you have a disability or any other condition that makes it uncomfortable to take the stairs, unless your condition is that your just plain fat. Now don’t get me wrong I am not fitness nut I am well above my “target” weight (as my physician likes to remind me) and in fact I am kinda lazy myself. But when the elevator and the stairs are ten feet apart and I am going DOWN I am going to opt for the stairs. Why would you stand there and wait for the elevator to go down one floor? I noticed this because the building I work in is engineered with our sedentary job lives in mind; parking lots are all at lease one hundred yards away, two sets of wide, gradually sloped stairs for every set elevator, and rumor has it that the elevators have been intentionally slowed to encourage people to take the stairs. This could be true because I have emerged on the second floor from the stairs to witness others emerge from the elevator who I noted entering on the first at the same time I entered the stair well. Don’t we realize that we are killing ourselves slowly? Oh I guess not in a society that would sue a fast food chain for selling food that was not good for us, rather than take responsibility ourselves. On another note, Man I could go for a Twinkie right now!

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