Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What I need is more toys!

Okay I have pretty much made up may mind that I want an Ipod or some other Mp3 player with a large storage capacity. Well I know it’s a frivolous toy, you don’t have to tell me that! Well no, I don’t have three hundred bucks to blow on something like that (I don’t even have three hundred bucks). You could always get me one. come on you always have that kind of money laying around.
I have seen several websites where you can sign up for this or that unrelated product and refer some people to do the same and they will send you one for free. But I frankly doubt that I know five other people who would be willing to sign up with Columbia house (again) to get a free Ipod, let alone do so to get me one. I am contemplating it I will keep you posted if is decide to sign up. The one thing I know is that I will not be buying one outright, the last frivolous toy I bought (or coursed my wife into getting me for Christmas) was an Xbox and although I like it a lot and enjoy some of the games, I have made little use of it since maybe July. So I know that dog won’t hunt around here. If you know what I mean.

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