Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Help me get a Free iPod

Okay I have decided that I want an iPod! I very much need your help to get one for free. This is a site where you can sign up to get a FREE iPod, not some cheap knockoff but the real thing. It’s a simple program you sign up, then take one of the offers for a product and some of them are free. All I need it five other people to take advantage of the same deal and I will get a free iPod. here are pictures of people who have already gotten them for free.

This is not a scam, you can read here were people have gotten theirs for free.
So here is the Link to go and check out this program it’s not complicated it’s just a new style of marketing. I will keep you posted on my progress. Email me if you have questions.

Yes, you can really get a free Apple iPod. A marketing company called Gratis Internet has been giving them away at free iPods to anyone who is willing to try an advertiser's offer, and get five friends to do the same.

The site has been getting lots of press, too. Wired.com has written about it, as have many other sites, like NYU's daily student newspaper, NYUNEWS.COM.
If you are interested in getting your free iPod but don't know if you have five friends who will also participate, you are welcome to join our conga line. We'll help each other get our own free iPods!Please read all of the instructions before starting...

Step 1 - Signing up
*Create an e-mail account to use for this offer (Yahoo is good for this, Hotmail doesn't seem to work for this offer). Please be aware that you will receive some junk mail in this mailbox, though I have not recieved much to date.
*Click the link at the bottom of this posting or the banner at the top of the page, and enter the e-mail address you created and a password that you will remember. NOTE - I've recently heard that people are having trouble with their accounts if they sign up from the same computer. To be on the safe side, make sure that you are signing up from a computer that no one else has already used to sign up. They also won't allow two people to have their iPods shipped to the same address.
*Do NOT click yes to any surveys, they are optional(and there are a few of them. Create your account.
Once you're in, close your browser, and go to the e-mail account that you used to register (the one that you created in the first step). You should receive an e-mail asking you to activate your account. Follow the link to activate. You should now be in the "Complete Offer" link. If not, there is a link to it at the top of the page. Now complete one of the offers.

Step 2 - Completing an offerYou must now complete one of the available offers. The available offers have been changing lately, so review each one and pick your favorite!
Once you've done one of the offers, you should receive an e-mail stating you completed your offer, and your 'Check Status' page should change to say 'Congratulations! You have completed your requirements'. [PLEASE NOTE: As this promotion has gotten more popular, it has begun to take longer before you receive credit & confirmation for the offer that you complete. Currently, it is taking 2 to 3 business days to receive credit & confirmation for the offer that you complete.]

Don't try to beat the system!Remember, for the guys who run Gratis Internet (the company that runs the free ipod site) this is their source of income. They want your business, BUT have also gone to great lengths to make sure it's nearly impossible to beat the system they have devised. DO NOT MAKE UP 6 E-MAIL IDENTITIES FOR YOURSELF AND TRY TO GET A FREE GIFT- IT WILL NOT WORK! We found it's much easier to just play by the rules.

Step 3 - Getting your 5 referralsNow you need to get 5 people to sign up, using your referral link, and complete an offer. To help you out with this, We've started the conga line. Once you have complete an offer send me an email with the account name you have used to sign up and I will send you a link to get your information added to the conga line. Once your information is confirmed, you'll be added as the next member of the conga list. Once the person in the #1 spot is finished, they will be removed and everyone will move up. Direct everyone you know to this site, and we should all get our own iPods in no time!
Good luck!!!


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