Friday, January 14, 2005

How was your week?

Well I feel as if I have been stealing from the company all week. I have been in a software training everyday this week with the exception of Monday, where I was performing my normal mundane duties. The training is designed for a completely different audience even though I do use the application, so I found some of the information interesting but most of it I will not be using in my day to day activities. So a lot of my time and probably a lot of the company’s money were spent on naught. I would say that the best thing that I got out of this week was the opportunity to speak with some of my peers in none work related conversations. It’s always interesting the little things that people are willing to reveal about themselves when given the opportunity to freely express themselves. I will not go into details but suffice it to say that I like talking to people a lot more when I am able to speak to them about things that are not related to what they do to make money. Such a waste to spend all of your time, energy and emotions on something so fleeting as acquiring money and possessions then to waste the time you have to interact with others on finding out nothing more about them outside how they do the same.

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