Thursday, January 06, 2005


Can you imagine the worst smell you can think of like say cat urine, now picture what it would smell like if you had a large dose deposited down the register for your bathroom heating duct. And just for added effect lets say its like 20 degrees outside for the high so the heater is running pretty much all day. That’s the action packed festival of nasal delights we are having at my house right now. I don’t know how you feel about bad smells, but they drive me batty, and my wife who can smell a soiled diaper and identify the culprit from a ten toddler line up at one hundred yards is troubled to an even greater extent. I have been seriously contemplating how I could tear out the ceiling in my garage to remove the entire ventilation system to that bathroom to get at the offensive odor. I would be willing to dig the floor up with a shovel if that is what it will take!
Well those drastic measures may not be necessary, I have found online that there are several enzyme products that purport to be the perfect solution for this kind of olfactory assault, and as you would expect they all have premium financial cost associated with said products too. But I am willing to pay because it’s far cheaper than razing the place to the ground!
Don’t get me wrong either I am trying to vilify the feline offender. He is a very good pet. He’s an outside cat who requires no system for waste management normally. We simply put him outside for a least a brief period even in the most hostile weather conditions and he takes care of those biological functions on his own, presumably in on the neighbors property as I have never discovered any evidence within my own domain. So I am not willing to murder the fuzzy little jerk over this but I am not going to absolve him of all responsibility either. So from now on the cat formally know as “Mr. Whiskers” shall be know as “Stupid Fuzz Ball”

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