Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Current Conditions for Raymore, MO
What is up with that!

Okay I know that there are lots of places that are colder right now, but I just have to say that I am not digging it man!

My boss was saying he would really like to have an Eskimo elk suit to deal with weather like this. You really would have to know him, but I can believe that he would wear it if he had one. I picture him driving to work with the windows down just so he can justify wearing it. You would see him going out in front of the building to make fun of the smokers who are shivering over their cancer sticks. He would be over heard saying things like “Cold, man this aint cold. Why don’t you learn how to dress you sissy?”

Okay beside the weather the looming holiday is mostly on my mind. Naomi and I still have a few details to take care of before we are done with preparations so I will be out running the consumer gauntlet of holiday last minute panic this evening after work. Which is not very appealing to anyone I am sure. I am a little daunted because I have witnessed the throngs of shopping lemmings at the retail establishments on my commute to and from my places of employment the last few days. I have not been out in any of the "normal" retail hours of operation so I have been spared the exposure to self centered indignant attitudes that develops from over exposure to the materialistic side of the holiday season. But alas very few people are able to escape the madness completely. So with that said off I go, if you don’t hear from soon send out the Marines for help!

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