Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Tickled pink!

Be very very quiet… shh we can’t let “them” hear. I will take this opportunity and risk consequences of spoiling a surprise, and announce that I am going to be promoted! As of May 1st (baring some unforeseen corporate executive kibosh) I will be changing roles with my company. There I said it, it’s published and if you work for the same company as me you can blab it around but that will mean that I know your reading my blog (that I only write or post on lunch/break) when you should be working. So if you don’t want me to rat you out to your boss and ruin your entire future with the company keep it quiet!

Now for the even better news, for once I was pleasantly surprised by the figures as they were related to me in the monetary details segment of the super secret conversation with my manager. As with every other change in position I will make detailed calculations and theoretical assumptions about how much I can make in a position or what I am going to be offered and even when I am relatively conservative in my conclusions I am most often disappointed at the final outcome. Memory recalls discussions like;

Me “well I feel with my experience and qualifications I couldn’t accept less than one million dollars a year for this position”
Hiring manager most often replies with something like “we will give you a buck seventy-five and a free tee shirt with the company logo”
I respond “deal!” because I am an excellent negotiator.

But this time I am pleased with the money, granted by corporate world standards I am pretty much getting another company tee shirt but who cares what the world thinks!

The only odd part is that we do seam to be keeping this a secret here at work. Now I don’t know if this is in consideration of a formal announcement from management or simply an effort to sneak the approval forms in to a pile of innocuous forms awaiting executive approval unnoticed. But either way I am sure that the cat will be fully out of the bag come Monday!

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