Tuesday, March 21, 2006

You have to check this out!

I spotted this guys video on VH1 the other day, and had the hardest time remembering what his name was. After doing a google search for "jewish reggae" I came up with his site.

I love his song "King Without a Crown" check out Matisyahu and if you can pronounce his name your doing better than me!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I have found the best music on the internet!

Here is the deal, I was in high school and college in the 80’s (yeah yeah old fart blah blah blah Whatever!) and as is true for most of us, that is the time of my life were I was most interested in music. Not that I am not now, but then it was one of my passions, I was always looking for new music. if you were like me and alive and actively listening to music back then it is pretty likely that you ran across a college radio station that was playing all kinds of cool music that you could not (and still can not) hear on commercial radio. And frankly unless you had a bunch of black eye liner wearing friends (guys and girls) then the only way to be exposed to some of the most inventive music of that day was that the college radio station and you would pray the guy who was on the late night time slot would never graduate. Because he would brining in his own albums and those of his friends, and yes many of them were albums back then because CDs were just starting to explode (once again, yes I am that old)

Today I discovered this internet radio station and I am so happy to try and send some traffic their way! So please visit and donate so that you can keep my glory days alive!


Okay, my life is so being absorbed by the Apple Corporation! I don’t even have an apple computer I just have an iPod which I acquired last year! Now I am becoming totally absorbed in every media format it can play. It started out just as natural anyone might expect. I loaded songs I had on my computer, then I went through every CD I owned every digital format of music file I could get (for free at least because I am to old and too married to be spending money on music). And after a little while I figured out that some of the radio shows I listened to were available in Mp3 format, and then I figured out what a Podcast was and that these same programs were available and I started listening to them everyday. Then I got wind of the fact that private individuals are producing the same kind of programs and some of those are totally funny, most of them are crude so I will not list any that I recommend yet. But just the fact that you can find a daily dose of comedy or what ever you might be looking for makes me giddy as a school girl in a pair shiny new shoes!

All I can say is thank goodness I don’t have a video iPod or I would get nothing done!

Don’t get me wrong I am not claiming to be on the cutting edge of anything, apparently some of these Podcast have been up for several years and now there are literally hundreds of thousands on the net (the vast majority are lousy content, and poor audio quality too) but there are some diamonds in the rough out there. I encourage you to give it a whirl. Don’t be lazy just Google it, I am not going to tell you what you should listen to! Okay maybe later when I find some funny ones that are not cussing every other word.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Face lift

I decided to make a change to my template format because I am looking for any trick I can to get myself motivated to start posting again.

I have been keeping busy working and listening to a lot of different Podcasts in my free time. So I have not had a lot of inspiration to write. But I am beginning to feel the rumblings of the old creative juices, maybe it’s the spring thaw but I know I want get back to regular posting. So check back, I may even post something today. You will never know unless you check back.